Communicating as a couple may seem easy, but in truth it’s one of the most common problems couples face in their relationship.
Luckily, communicating as a couple is a skill that can be learned. Once couples learn to communicate about their problems without arguing – their whole relationship changes for the better. The results are amazing to see!
Learning to have loving conversations allow both partners to feel heard so that the two of you can move forward together:
The first step in getting your needs met is to understand both your and your partner’s homelife and personalities.
Through a series of fun and informative exercises, couples will learn the answers to these questions. This helps both you and your partner. Once couples gain a deeper understanding of the roots of their conflicts, they also understand how to begin addressing them from a loving perspective.
Without seeing yourselves as a couple, even the smallest problems can blow up into major disagreements. Who cooks the meals? Who does the dishes? Who takes care of the laundry, or carpool, or the diapers, bills, doctors appointments, social calendar and all the tasks couples need to address on a day-to-day basis. Add to the mix bigger issues like parenting, dealing with in-laws, and planning family gatherings – and it becomes even more important to see yourselves as a couple, rather than two individuals living parallel lives.
Learning how to face challenges as a couple is another key element of building a happy, loving and long-lasting relationship. It’s all about moving from “Me” to “We.”
As we work on creating healthier relationships, we also work on creating a healthier you. This can happen organically as part of couples work, or it may happen during individual sessions as part of the overall counseling process
After all, there’s a reason they call it growing old together! I encourage couples to embrace personal growth as they build a happy future together.
Each one of these steps can be learned in a way that is fun, informative, and practical. You will leave each session with a clear understanding of what you can do next to improve your marriage.